1. What is your (full) name?
    • My full name is…………..
  2. Can I have your name please?
    • Yes. Sure my name is……
  3. Could you tell me your full name please?
    • Yes. Sure my full name is…………….
  4. What shall I call you?
    • You can call me……….
  5. How can I address you?
    • You can call me ….
  6. Does your name have any special meaning?
    • Yes. My name has special meaning which is…..
  7. Is your name important to you?
    • Yes. It is very important for me because it is my identity.
  1. Do Pakistani people like changing their name?
    • Not all people but some people like to change their names.Why?
  2. Because some people think their name do not suit their personality and some think that their name is too old.
  3. Have you ever changed your name?Why or why not?
    • No. I have not change my name because my name is very special to me my father gave me this name.
  4. Why do so many people change their name?
    • Because some people think their name do not suit their personality and some think that their name is too old.
  • How often do you visit the museum?
  • Which type of museum is popular in your country?
  • Why do you want to visit the museum?

The provided subject is very fascinating and I truly like to express my feelings on it.  Museum is a place where they have ancient gears and belongings of our actual heroes. In my county popular museums are history related. People like to go these natures of museum to see bygone things. The principal museum of my country is National Museum which is positioned in Karachi. I also love to visit different museums. There are some museums in my locality where I go on weekend. There is also a very big museum in my country which is found in Taxila. Its name is Taxila Museum. It is roughly 50 Kilo meters from capital city Islamabad. As Mohenjo-daro and Harappa are the oldest civilizations of Asia. In Taxila Museum all the possessions related to these civilizations are well-maintained. It is my passion to advance awareness about ancient people like what life style they had, how they survived, which instruments they were used and what kind of rituals they had. I have visited this museum last year. It was a great day of my life. At that moment my emotions were like I am in Stone Age.  All the possessions of 2500 BCE were in front of my eyes. I saw dissimilar categories of pots which were hand made without any technology. I also observed certain gadgets which remained in practice of Mohenjo-daro people. Those were very simple made with wood and iron. Our guide also presented us particular toys which were made of mud. These were also very fascinating. We have very short time so could explore everything because they closed the museum 5 O’ Clock in the evening. If I get chance to visit this museum again I will beyond doubt sightsee all the belongings in deepness.

  • What do you think of the importance of museums in history?

Museums have played an integral role in preserving the history of our society. Exhibits tell us stories about how our nation, our communities and our cultures came to be and without them, those stories could be forgotten.

  • How do you think of the heritage of a country?

Heritage of any country tell us the natural assets presented in the current and the ancient the historical monuments and the movements.

  • Compare the museums nowadays and in the past.

In the past museums were very simple those had only original ancient things but in current century these have animated video clips, artefacts and objects of art.

  1. What are you studying?
    • Nowadays i am doing IELTS because i have plan to go abroad for higher studies.
  2. What’s your major?
    • As i am preparing for IELTS so my major is English language.
  3. Why did you choose that subject?
    • Because most of the overseas universities demand it before granting admission.
  4. What do you find most interesting about your course?
    • As English is an international language i love to speak this language so during the class i find English speaking very interesting.
  5. What is your favourite subject?
    • My favourite subject is Computer Science. You know all the modern inventions are relay on computers.
  6. What do you dislike about your study?
  7. The first thing which irritate me during my study is noise in the class and second thing is Mathematics which is very hard subject to learn for me.
  8. What do you hope to do after your graduation?
    • After my graduation it is my dream to be a teacher because i want to serve my nation.
  9. What are your ambitions for the future?
    • My future ambitions is to be a teacher.
  1. Do you hope to gain any qualifications?
  2. What are the advantages of studying instead of working?

2. Describe your favourite photograph

  • Where was the photo taken?
  • Who took the photo?
  • What can be seen from the photo?
  • Explain why it is the favorite photograph for you.

This is a heart catching subject for me and I love to speak on it. We are living in a most advance century. All the things have digitalized. The way to taking photos has also become cutting-edge. Because of this now we are able to store photos in digital form. Instagram is most suitable example of digital photography. Almost all age of groups have selfie fever to share on social media. 

I am also found off of photography. I have latest DSLR camera to save my love ones memories. I have a big album at my home. It consists of my entire family and friend’s photo. But my most favorite photo graph is my family photograph. It was captured at the occasion of my elder brother’s wedding 5 years ago. My entire family members are present in this photography. There was a big stage in the wedding hall decorated with fresh flowers. Groom and bride were sitting on the sofa. My parents were also present there. My mother was sitting next to the bride and father beside the groom. I was standing on the back of sofa with all siblings. My younger brother was standing in the middle on his right side my younger sister and on left corner elder sister. My eldest brother was on very right side and I on very left side. Whenever I look at this photo all the memories of my brother wedding get refresh in mind. I miss those days very much. I hanged this photo on the wall of my bedroom.


  • How to take good photo?
  • When do people use camera?
  • How can the new technology put cinema’s skill advanced?

IELTS Speaking exam 3

About Work

  • Can you describe your job to me?

Actually at the current time I am student so do not have any job.

  • What do you do for a living?

I have free time in the evening so i give tuition to my town student this helps me to full fill my expenses.

  • How long have you been doing it?

It has been nearly 2 years. I started this after completed my collage.

  • Can you describe one of your typical working days?

Yes. Sure i start my work in the evening time at 5 O’clock and finish at 8 O’clock. So I work 3 hours every day expect Sunday.

  • What’s your daily routine on a working day?

Same as I told you.

  • Why did you choose to do that job?

I love teaching profession, because it is most respectful profession. We also gain lot of knowledge through this job.

  • What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?

I enjoy teaching math to my pupils, because I think it has great importance in our life.

  • What do you think is the attraction of your work?

As education is basic need of all human beings that why teaching profession don’t need any attraction. But this profession demands you hard work and punctually.  

  • What is your ideal job?

As I told you already this is most respectable job in this world. That’s why it is my ideal job.

  • Do you want to change your current job? Why or why not?

I don’t want to change the nature of my job but I want to teach in Government school it’s my dream.

  • Are you willing to keep your job permanently?

Absolutely  yes

  • What are your plans for the future?

After completing my studies my aim is to get job in government school where I can serve my country youth.

3. Describe an area of your country you know and like

  • Where is it?
  • What are its special features?
  • What do you and other people do in this area?
  • Explain why you like it.

Thanks for very fascinating topic for speaking. As Pakistan is my homeland and I love it very much. There are numerous stunning places in my country like Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Pashawar and many more. Exclusively our region KPK is well known of its landscapes, water falls, rivers, lakes and mountains. I also love this province because of its natural beauty. There famous places are Neelum Valley, Sakardu, Naraan, Kaghan and Gilgit. It also has a magical lake which name is Saif ul Malouk. That is the most beautiful lake in the world. Many tourists all over the world come here to appreciate the breath taking view of this lake. As world 2nd highest peak K2 is also positioned in KPK so the climber lovers also come here to fulfill their desire. In the winter season when snow fall start peaks covered with snow look very gorgeous. The habitants of this region are also very generous. In the month of December and January heavy snow fall starts. All the roads get block and cut this area from other regions. This region is also famous for dry fruits. Polo is traditional sport of this area. World highest polo ground is also located in KPK. It is not only a sport it is an important festival. People around the world come here to enjoy this festival. This festival is celebrated in July.

  • What do you think of the historic place in the future?
  • Will the government increase or decrease the safety guard?
  • What are the changes to the local people and economy?
  • What is the impact on the historic place by tourists?

IELTS Speaking exam 4

About your hometown

1: Can you describe your town or village to me?

Yes. Sure my town is a very nice place. It has all modern facilities like electricity, Internet, water, school and hospital. It is a very peaceful place.

2: Tell me something about your hometown.

Yes. Sure my town is a very nice place. It has all modern facilities like electricity, Internet, water, school and hospital. It is a very peaceful place.

3: Where are you from?

I am from…………… . It is located near………… .

4:Where is your hometown?

My town is located near…………..

Where did you come from?

I came from a town which name is ………………

What is the name of the street you live on?

My street name is……………………. . (The street which i live is called………………..)

What kind of street do you live on?

My street is very neat and clean. It is also very quite and peaceful place to live.

What do you like about your town?

I live my town people. they are very loving and caring.

What is the weather like in your town?

Nowadays the weather of my town is very ………….

What building is considered famous in your town?

The building of Govt high school is very famous in my town because it is oldest building in my town.

What jobs do people in your town do?

As i live in a town so most people are farmer but some people also do govt and private jobs.

How has your town changed over the last twenty years?

Many changes can be seen as compare to last 2 decades. Now roads are metalled, paved streets and we have all modern facilities.

What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

Many changes can be seen as compare to last 2 decades. Now roads are metalled, paved streets and we have all modern facilities.

Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

I think it is better to live in a countryside because here you are near to the nature. There is no pollution. Healthy and fresh food available. Cities also have many advantages but i prefer village life.

  • What is the party?
  • Why was the party held?
  • Who attended the party?
  • What did you do for that party?

First of all i would like to thank you for very interesting topic for speaking. It is need of time for all human beings to be socialized, because depression cases are increasing day by day. Reason behind this too much use of social media and to not spend time with people around us.

If talk about myself I am a social person. I do not miss any chance of social activities. Especially I love to attend and celebrate parties. I invite all my family members and friends on my parties. We also make a lot of fun.

Today I want to tell you about a party which I attended last month. It was my friend birthday party. I bought a very nice gift for my friend. It was a book about the history of my country, because his favorite hobby is book reading and he also passionate about history. He arranged party at his home. I arrived there about 7 O’clock in the evening. The house was decorated very nicely with balloons and flowers. In the center of a big hall on the glass table a strawberry cake was placed. All guest reached there about half past seven. Then he cut the cake and serves with fritters, patties and some fizzy drinks. All the guests and friends presented him different kind of gifts.  After the food he also arranged musical function. We all friends did dance on music and make lot of fun. I came back home late tight because when all the quests had gone. We went to hotel and ate there our traditional meal which is chicken karahi. I enjoyed it very much. 


  What’s the difference between serious party and friendly party?

In friendly parties people usually wear casual dress and chat with each other eat different type of snacks and have drinks. They enjoy different type of games, music and dancing.

On serious parties people always wear formal dresses. On these parties mostly invited people are business related and colleagues. They do discussion on bossiness and projects.

  Why are some people late for parties intentionally?

Some people want their entry after all quests arrival because they seek attention from the quests. Some people come late because they don’t like speech and singing or other activities they only enjoy foods.  

  Why do some people like party while others hate it?

Some people think it is waste of time to attend parties. Some people are also introverted and don’t like to talk with other. They hate crowded places.

While who love socializing and fun in their life they always love parties.

  What would you do if the guests feel bored?

I will try small talk with guests and also will play some music, because music give us entertainment.

  Will there be more and more people to attend parties?

Yes. I personally think that more people will attend parties because everyone is busy in work and earning money. Hard work always put burden and stress on mind so parties are good way to release it.

IELTS Speaking exam 5

About free time

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy different activities in my free time like book reading, watching T.V and playing sports. but i enjoy playing cricket most.

How much time do you have each week for doing these things?

i have free time only in the evening so i spend almost 12 to 15 hours on these activities every week.

Why do you like doing these activities?

Because these activities help me to release mental pressure.

How did you start doing this activity at first?

I started to play cricket when i was a child because my town boys played cricket everyday.

Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

Yes. I really like to try hockey because it is my national sport.

How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years?

It has changed a lot because before people spent their free time by watching TV, listening radio and playing sports, but know almost everyone is busy on social media.

IELTS Cue Card

5. Talk about a subject you are studying

  • What subject are you studying?
  • What is the subject about?
  • How do you feel about it?
  • Explain why you are interested in it.

First of all i would like to thank you for every heart touching topic. As education is our basic need especially in the current era, because we are living in a most advanced century. To taste the modern inventions especially social media, smart phones and internet I think English language is essential to learn. It has also become an international language. That’s why nowadays I am learning English. There is a well-known institute in my town for learning English language which name is PAK INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION. These days I am attending class there regularly. We learn different skills there. On Monday we learnt how to speak English like a native English speaker. It is not easy task but we practice a lot and our teachers teach us some skills for this. I really enjoy it because it’s my wish to speak English confidently. Tuesday is listening class. This is pretty easy. Our teacher gives us some booklet consisting of different kinds of question. After that he plays audio related to this we listen recording and note answers. I think Wednesday task is totally uninteresting which is reading.  All students have to read lot of text and then find answers for the given questions. It makes me very lazy in the class because takes an hour to reading the whole text and then transfer answers to the answer sheet. In the start I was very disturbed because some words were very hard to understand and read. My teacher advises me to use online dictionary. It did this and now I am good in this task. Thursday is writing day I also adore this chore. Our trainer gives us a topic and we have to write at least 250 words on it. Writing topic also consist of letter. I can finish this task in 40 to 50 minutes very easily. It has been 2 month and now I have improved my English much.

  • Is there any difference between the traditional and modern educational systems?
  • What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country?
  • Do you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?

IELTS Speaking exam 6

6 About holidays

  • What do you do when you have a holiday?
  • Who do you usually spend holiday with?
  • Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why?
  • Can you describe a typical day in your holidays?
  • Why are holidays and important to you?
  • If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
  • What do people usually do during holidays and in your town?

IELTS Cue Card

6. What is the important invention before the age of computer?

  • What is the invention?
  • Why do you think it is very important?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the invention?

I am very thank full for the heart touching theme to speak.  As you know we are living in a contemporary (modern) age. Internet and computer has totally transformed our world into new shape, also our way of living and thinking. But before the age of computer there were also very significant discoveries like Telephone, radio and T.V. All has own importance. But I personally think that Television is the most important invention. Television was the 1st creation of man which enables us to watch videos with voice, before the T.V people had radio to only listen news and other programs. But Television was a marvel (miracle) discover. Many people got amazed when they first they watched T.V. They thought it was a magical innovation.  Although through this device people got chance to watch their favorite personalities on the screen. This also allow human to watch visual with news. It offered and still in the present T.V offered variety of program like news, documentary, dramas, movies, cartoons and many more. Every group of people could watch their favorite programs on different time. T.V still exist and it importance cannot be denied it current century. With the passage of time T.V also has become modernized. Now many companies offer T.V with android feature and with new surfing. I think there is not a single home where Television does not exist.

  • What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life?
  • Which skills do you want to study in the future?
  • Do you think it’s necessary to develop modern invention in the countryside?

IELTS Speaking exam 7

7 About place where you go in free time

  • What do people do in your town in their free time?
  • Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves?
  • Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home?
  • Which are the best places to eat out?

IELTS Cue-Card

7. Describe an you know and like

  • Where is it?
  • How did you go there?
  • What did you do there?
  • Explain why you found it so interesting.

Thanks for very fascinating topic for speaking. As Pakistan is my homeland and I love it very much. There are numerous stunning cities in my country like Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Pashawar and many more. All the cities are very beautiful and have their own culture and traditions, but today I am going to describe a city which is capital of Pakistan. Its name is Islamabad. Islamabad is the most beautiful and modern city of my motherland. I also live in the surrounding area of Islamabad.  This city is located in the Punjab province in the feet of Margala hills. Roads are very wide and traffic light free. Security system of this city is also foolproof.  My country’s biggest Mosque Faysil Masjid is also located at Islamabad. It distinguished architect make this Masjid very unique. There are many famous buildings in this city which are President House, Prime Minister House, Parliament house and Supreme Court. As it is capital of Pakistan so it also has 5 and 7 stars hotels like Serine hotel, Marriot hotel and PC hotel. Prominent universities of our country are also located there like Quaid e Azam, Allama Iqbal, Islamic International, Comsets and CUST University.  No doubt recreational activities are essential part of human beings. In Islamabad people have facilities of enjoyment. Lok Virsa museum is very famous there among the history lover persons.  Popular places for outing are Shaker Pariyan, Damn e koh, Islamabad Zoo, Allama Iqbal Park and Jinnah Park. In Short Islamabad is the best city of my country.

  • Say something about the tourism development in your country, facility, services and the effect on environment.
  • What is the importance of travel and tourism industry?
  • What do you think the function of tourist guides?

IELTS Speaking exam 8

About Transportation

  • How did you come here today?
  • What is public transport like in your town?
  • How do you think it could be improved?
  • Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

IELTS Cue Card

8. Describe your favourite movie

  • What’s the name of the film?
  • What’s the theme of the film?
  • Why do you like it?

First of all thank you very much for giving me very interesting topic. I really like to speak on it. As watching movies is a good source of entertainment. In my country people like to watch different kinds of movies like Pakistani, Indian and Hollywood movies. I also love to watch different kinds of movies; today I am going to describe my favorite which name is 3 Idiots. It is an Indian movie. I watched this movie in cinema last year with my friends. The main cast of this movie is Amir Khan, Kareena Kapoor including other famous actors of Bollywood film industry. I am very fond of watching comedy movies, because these movies make me happy and release stress. 3 Idiot is also a comedy movie. This movie is based on 3 friends who study in a engineering university. In this movie Amir Khan Passion is to become an Engineer, but his 2 other friends do not have any interest in engineering. One of them wants to be a writer while other live wild life photography and love to adopt this as a profession. Their parents forced them to study engineering. They think that after completing engineering degree their son can get a job with handsome salary. Whole story revolve around their studies and at the end their parents release that their sons should study according their taste. This movie also gave lesson that every student should have right to study subjects which they like.

  • Describe a type pf movie you like.
  • What’s the difference between Chinese and American movies?
  • What do you think of the violent films (Hollywood films)?
  • Why movies need computer techniques? Any example of movie using computer techniques?
  • Which parts of cinema are the most important and how to improve it?

IELTS Speaking exam 9

About Shopping

  • How much time do you spend shopping every week?
  • Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)?
  • What is your favourite shop and why do you like it?
  • What problems are there with shopping in your area?

IELTS Cue Card

Decribe a time when you were afraid of something

You should say

  • When it was 
  • What you afraid of
  • Why you were afraid
  • What do you think the important qualities for a news reporter?
  • What’s the function of a report to the society?
  • What kinds of books/newspapers/magazines do Chinese adolescents read?
  • With the popularity of Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear?

IELTS Speaking exam 10

10 About your neighbourhood

  • Can you describe the house where you live to me?
  • What is there to do in the area where you live?
  • What do you like about the area where you live?
  • How do you think it could be improved?
  • Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

IELTS Cue Card

Describe your favorite Shopping Centre/Mall.

  1. Where is it available?
  2. Why do you like it?
  3. What is the best thing about it?

First of all thank you very much for giving me very interesting topic. I really like to speak on it. As shopping is a basic need of every human being. I also love shopping. Most of the time I like to buy products from big shopping mall, because all the required things are available under one roof. There are many famous shopping malls in my locality like G 5 Mall, Giga Mall, Imtiaz Mall and Centaurs Mall, My most favorite shopping mall is Giga mall, because it is biggest mall of my area. It is located at Islamabad near the Rawat. It consists of 6 floors. The underground floor is reserved for parking when I park my vehicle there I feel very calm, because security system is foolproof. On the 1st ground floor there is big super store where people specially go for domestic shopping. 2nd floor occupied by the famous clothe and shoes brands like Nike, Adidas, Borjan, Armani and famous Pakistani brands outlets also exists there like Bata, Service, Gull Ahmed, Khandi, Junaid Jamshaid and Leather Point. These products are very expensive but their quality is out class. When you move to the 3rd floor you will see lot of electronics shops such as Apple, Samsung, Sony and Huawei stores. You can also but from there all king of electronic products. Top floor is my favorite floor because it is engaged for world popular food chain like McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Dominos, Subway and also for traditional Pakistani food restaurant. On every weekend I go there with my friends and some time with my family to enjoy delicious found. It also has a modern cinema.


  • What do you think of the benefits of children’s games?
  • Nowadays children have less and less time for game, what do you think about it?
  • What do you think the difference between games nowadays and in the past?
  • What’s the negative aspect of games?

11 About reading

  • Do you enjoy reading? Why?
  • What sort of things do you read?
  • Tell me something about your favorite book.
  • What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema?


11. Describe a special occasion in your life

  • Where did it take place?
  • When did it take place?
  • Who was there?
  • Explain your feelings on this occasion.


  • Tell me how you organize your study time.
  • What do you think is important in achieving happiness?
  • How do Chinese celebrate some happy events?
  • What do the camera and video play in celebrating?

12 About sports and games

  • What sports are most popular in your country?
  • What sports and games did you most enjoy playing
  • When you were a child?
  • Do people take as much exercise as in the past?
  • Why is exercise good for you?


12. Describe something you own which is very important to you

  • Who gave it to you?
  • What is it?
  • What does it mean to you?


  • What are the changes of city between now and past?
  • Does money represent happiness and why?
  • How do you regard as the things people want to earn?

13 About FAMILY

  • Describe your family?
  • Do you have a large or small family?
  • How much time do you spend with your family?
  • What do you like to do together as a family?
  • Do you get along well with your family?
  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?


13. Describe one of your neighbours

  • When did you become neighbors?
  • Do you often meet?
  • State whether your neighbour is a good one.


  • What is the difference between neighbors and friends?
  • Why do people like to watch TV serials in their houses?
  • How do you think of the relationship in the city?
  • How to improve the neighbourhood?

14 About Education

  • Describe your education.
  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?
  • Did you go to a co-educational school?
  • What was your favourite subject as a child?
  • Who was your favourite teacher?
  • What is the education system like in your country?
  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?


14. Describe one of the shopping centres you often go to

  • Where is the shopping centre?
  • How often do you go to the centre?
  • Why do you often go to it and its characteristics?


  • Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?
  • What are the characteristics of shopping malls and smaller shops and their difference?
  • What is the trend of future shopping centers?
  • Talk about online shopping.

15 About Weather

  • What’s the weather like in your country?
  • Does the weather affect your mood?
  • How do rainy days make you feel?
  • What’s your favorite season of the year?
  • What do you like to do when it’s hot?
  • What do you usually do in the winter?
  • How many seasons does your country have?


15. Describe your favorite animal

  • What kind of animal is it?
  • Describe it briefly.
  • Why do you like the animal?


  • What do you need to do to take care of it?
  • What’s the future trend of the animal?
  • How do you think of the poaching of some precious animals such as pandas?

16 About Home

  • Describe your home.
  • What kind of building do you live in?
  • How long have you lived there?


16. Describe a historical place

  • What is the place?
  • Where is it located?
  • What is the historical meaning of the place?


  • What do you think of the future trend of historic places?
  • Will government strengthen its protection toward historic places?
  • What are the changes brought about by the historic place in local economy, people, etc?
  • What is the effect of tourists on the place?

17 About Wedding

  • Have you ever been to a wedding?
  • Whose wedding was it?
  • Where was it held?
  • What clothes do people wear?
  • Describe the wedding ceremony.
  • What sort if gifts do people buy for the bridal couple?
  • What kind of clothes did the bride and groom wear?


17. Advertisement

  • What are the forms of advertisement?
  • What are the functions of advertisement?
  • What is the effect of advertisement to people?


  • Do you feel bored and disgusted about advertisement?
  • What do you think are the criteria of assessing a good piece of advertisement?
  • What will happen if authoritative advertisements prevail in the market?

18 About Travel

  • Do you like to travel?
  • What kind of places have you visited in your life?
  • Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
  • What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?


18. Describe an important letter

  • When did you receive the letter?
  • From whom did you receive the letter?
  • Explain the reasons why it is important.


  • What is the significance of handwriting?
  • Does your country have handwriting lesson now?
  • Compare the handwriting now and past.
  • With the popularity of computers and Internet, will people lose their ability to write letters?

19 About Computer

  • Do you think computers help society?
  • Do you think computers are bad for health?
  • How do you think computers have changed the world?


19. Describe the best present you have received

  • Who sent it to you?
  • When did you receive it?
  • Detailed information about the present.


  • Do you think that present giving will play an important role in Chinese daily life? Why?
  • Do you think that the brand name is very important for sales?
  • In terms of the media, which do you think will play a main role in present giving, television, newspaper or Internet?

20 About Internet

  • Do you use the Internet much during the day?
  • What do you usually do on the Internet?
  • What are some advantages of the Internet?
  • What are some disadvantages?
  • Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
  • Do you do any shopping on the Internet?


20. Describe your holidays

  • Where do you go for the holidays and how long do them last?
  • Who do you go with?
  • Talk about any interesting things happening during your holidays.


  • What do the Chinese people mostly do in their leisure time?
  • What’s the difference between holidays today and 5 years ago and the reasons for the change?
  • Do you think people will spend more time on leisure or working in the future?

21 About Email

  • Do you send and receive email regularly?
  • Who do you usually communicate with?
  • How often do you check your email?
  • Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?
  • What are some disadvantages of email?


21 Beautiful places

Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country.
You should say:

  • where it is
  • how to get there
  • what there is to do when you are there
  • and explain why you recommend this place.


Attitudes to tourism

  • Why do you think people like to travel to different places in their free time?
  • How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?

Thanks for very fascinating topic for speaking. As Pakistan is my homeland and I love it very much. There are numerous stunning places in my country like Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Pashawar and many more. Exclusively our region KPK is well known of its landscapes, water falls, rivers, lakes and mountains. I also love this province because of its natural beauty. There famous places are Neelum Valley, Sakardu, Naraan, Kaghan and Gilgit. It also has a magical lake which name is Saif ul Malouk. That is the most beautiful lake in the world. Many tourists all over the world come here to appreciate the breath taking view of this lake. As world 2nd highest peak K2 is also positioned in KPK so the climber lovers also come here to fulfill their desire. In the winter season when snow fall start peaks covered with snow look very gorgeous. The habitants of this region are also very generous. In the month of December and January heavy snow fall starts. All the roads get block and cut this area from other regions. This region is also famous for dry fruits. Polo is traditional sport of this area. World highest polo ground is also located in KPK. It is not only a sport it is an important festival. People around the world come here to enjoy this festival. This festival is celebrated in July.

22 About Friend

  • Describe a friend.
  • How long have you known each other?
  • What do usually do together?
  • What do you like the most about him / her?
  • How often do you see each other?


22 Conserving the countryside

  • Why is it important to protect the countryside?
  • In what ways is the countryside in danger in your country?

23 About Places

  • Describe a place you like to go.
  • Why is this place special to you?
  • When did you first visit this place?
  • Where is this place located?
  • What language is spoken here? Do you speak this language?


23 Historic buildings and monuments

  • Why are historic buildings and monuments important to a city?
  • Is it better to keep old buildings, or build new modern ones?

24 About Smoking

  • What do you feel about smoking in public places?
  • Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes?
  • How much does it cost to smoke in your country?
  • Some countries put a high tax on tobacco products to discourage smoking. Do you think this is fair to smokers?
  • What are the advantages of smoking, in your opinion?
  • What are some health problems that smoking can cause?
  • Does smoking give you a better image or make you look more sophisticated?
  • Do you think cigarettes make a person look older and more mature?
  • Can cigarette smoking age an adult so they look older than they really are?


24 Family

Describe the person in your family who you most admire.
You should say:

  • what their relationship is to you
  • what they have done in their life
  • what they do now

and explain why you admire them so much.


  • In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?
  • Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?
  • Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?
  • What conflicts can arise between a person’s family and a person’s friends?

25 About Marriage

  • What is the attitude toward marriage in your country?
  • Do most young people plan on getting married in your country?
  • What are some of the advantages of marriage?
  • What are some of the disadvantages?
  • Is the divorce rate high in your country?
  • Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?


25 Shopping

Describe your favourite shop.
You should say:

  • where it is
  • what things it sells
  • what sort of people are its customers

and explain why you like the shop so much.


  • What typical things can visitors to your country buy?
  • What things do young people like to buy in your country?

26 About Hobbies

  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • What are some of your hobbies?
  • When did you first develop this hobby?
  • What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
  • How much time do you spend on your hobby?


26 Open air or street market

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

  • where the market is
  • what the market sells
  • how big the market is

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.


Shopping at markets

  • Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?
  • Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? Which ones? Why do you think this is?
  • Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?

27 bout films

  • Do you enjoy watching movies?
  • What’s your favorite film?
  • Who are your favorite actors?
  • How often do you watch films?


Talk about a special, memorable moment. Please say
– When it was
– What happened
– Why it was special
– How you felt at the time.

28 About Shopping

  • Do you enjoy shopping?
  • How do you feel about shopping?
  • Do you like shopping on the Internet?
  • Do you have any favorite stores?
  • What don’t you like about shopping?
  • Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?


Talk about a challenge you encountered. Please say

– What was the challenge?
– When and where was the challenge?
– How did you overcome it?
– What made it unforgettable?

29 About Sports

  • Do you like sports?
  • Do you enjoy watching sports?
  • Do you enjoy participating in any sports?
  • Which sports are most popular in your country?
  • What’s your favorite sport/
  • When did you first become interested in sports?
  • How often do you participate in sports?
  • What equipment do you need for your favorite sport?


Describe a performance you have watched. Please say
– Where was it?
– What kind of performance was it?
– What did you like the most about it?

30 About Food

  • What are some of your favourite foods?
  • What foods are popular in your country?
  • What are some of the famous dishes of your country?
  • Do you enjoy cooking?


Talk about a time when you have visited a crowded place. Please say
– What the place was
– Why you went there
– With whom you went there
– And whether or not you enjoyed your visit.

31 About Festival

  • What’s the most important festival in your country?
  • How do people celebrate this festival?
  • What special food is associated with this festival?
  • What special activities are associated with this festival?
  • What do you enjoy most about this festival?
  • Do you think festivals are important for a society?


Talk about an article you read online that was about healthy living. Please say
– When you read it
– What in particular it was about
– What you learnt from it

32 About Television

  • Do you watch television a lot?
  • What do you usually watch on television?
  • How many hours of television do you usually watch?
  • What are the most popular shows in your country?
  • What kind of shows do you like to watch?
  • What are some advantages of television?
  • What are some of the disadvantages of television?
  • What did you last watch on television?
  • Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?


Talk about an occasion when you couldn’t use your mobile phone. Please say
– when it happened
– what happened to your phone
– how it made you feel

33 About Tourism

  • Which places would you recommend to a visitor to your country?
  • Do a lot of tourists visit your country?
  • What do they usually do there?
  • How has tourism changed your country?
  • Is your country expensive for most tourists?
  • What are some famous landmarks in your country?


Talk about an occasion when you were forced to change your plans because of the weather. Please say
– When did this happen?
– Where were you?
– What kind of weather was?
– Explain why you had to change your plans

34 About daily routine

  • Describe your daily routine.
  • What do you usually do?
  • What do you do on the weekend?
  • What is you typical weekday like?
  • Does your life change much from week to week?
  • Do you have any free time during the week?


Talk about something you bought that was difficult to use at first. Please say
– What is it?
– When did you buy it?
– What does it do?
– Why was it difficult to use for the first time?

35 About Your Country

  • Which country are you from?
  • Where is this country located?
  • Which part of the country do most people live in?
  • What are the main industries in your country?
  • Is it easy to travel around your country?


Talk about something that you borrowed from a person you know. Please say:
– What you borrowed
– When you borrowed it
– Why you borrowed it
– And when you returned it.

36 About Clothe

  • What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?
    • How important is fashion to you?
    • What kind of clothes do you dislike?
    • Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
    • What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?
    • Are clothes expensive in your country?


 Talk about a situation when you were late. Please say
– What you were late for
– Why you were late
– What happened because you were late
– How you felt about it

37 About Going out

  • Do you like going out or staying at home?
    • What do you like to do when you go out?
    • How often do you go out?
    • Do people in your country go out a lot?
    • How and where do people in your country usually socialise?
    • What kind of entertainment is popular in your country?


 Talk about a time when you felt happy. Please say
– What made you happy
– Where you were
– Who was there with you
– And why you felt happy about this.

38 About Games

  • Do you enjoy playing any games?
    • What kind of games do you play?
    • Do you think adults should play games?
    • What do children learn from games?
    • What kind of games did you play when you were a child?
    • What games are popular in your country today?
    • What kind of games was popular when you were young?
    • Do you think mental games like chess are good for you?


Talk about a place that is full of color. Please say
– What place this is
– Where it is located
– What people do there
– How you learned about this place.

39 About Colour

  • Do you have a favourite colour?
    • What are your country’s colours?
    • Do you think colours affect our moods?
    • Can you learn anything about a person from the colours he / she likes?
    • Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were a child?


 Describe an incident where someone apologised to you. You should say:
– Who was it?
– When was it?
– What did the person say?
– Why was this incident memorable to you?

40 About Music

  • Do you like music?
    • What kind of music do you like?
    • When do you usually listen to music?
    • What kind of music did you like when you were younger?
    • What kind of music is popular in your country?
    • Do you play any musical instruments?
    • Do you wish you could play any musical instruments?
    • Which is your favorite instrument?
    • What type of clothes do you like to wear?


Talk about a dream home you would like to live in. Please say
– What kind of home would it be?
– Why would you like to live in it?
– Who would you like to live with?

41 Let’s talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown?

 What do you like about it?
 What do you not like about it?
 How important is your hometown to you?
 Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
 Let’s move on to talk about accommodation. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?
 Does the place you live in have many amenities?
 Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?
 Do you plan to live there for a long time?


Talk about a place where you go to read or write (except for your home). Please say
– What place this is
– Where it is located
– With whom you go there
– How often you visit this place.

42 Hometown & Weather

 What is your country famous for?
 Where do you live in your country?
 Is it a interesting place to live?
 Are you planning to live there in the future?
 How is the weather today?
 What’s your favourite kind of weather?
 Is there any type of weather you really don’t like?
 What is the climate like in your country?
 Does the weather affect people’s lives in your country?
 Do people change in the summer?
 Does bad weather ever affect transport in your country?


Talk about a movie you watched that you liked. Please say
– What was the movie?
– Why did you like it?
– Would you recommend it to a friend?

43 Lets talk about Work

 Do you have a job right now?
 Do you enjoy your job?
 What responsibilities do you have at work?
 What is your typical day like at work?
 What would you change about your job?
 What job do you think you will be doing in five years?
 What skills and qualifications are required for this job?


Talk about different kinds of local food available in your country. Please say
– What are they?
– Do you buy or make these kinds of food?
– Can you find these dishes in other countries?

44 Lets talk about Volunteer Works

 Have you ever worked before?
 What was your first day at work like?
 What responsibilities did you have at work?
 What was your typical day like at work?
 Have you taken any volunteer works?
 Why did you do the volunteer works?
 Do you know any volunteers?
 How do you define volunteer work?


Talk about a goal that you set up for yourself and how you achieved it. Please say
– What was the goal?
– What did you do to achieve it?
– What was the hardest part for you?

45 Lets talk about your Hometown

 Can you tell me about your hometown?
 How has your hometown changed over the years?
 Is there any way your hometown could be made better?
 Are there good transportation links to your hometown?
 What kind of jobs do the people in your hometown do?
 Do you have a lot of friends?
 Who is your best friend and why?
 Who would you most like to be friends with and why?
 What kind of person can you make friends with easily?
 Which is more important to you, friends or family?


Describe a situation where you helped or offered help to somebody. Please say
– When and where was it?
– What kind of help did you offer?
– Who was the person you offered it to?

46 Lets talk about High School

 Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
 What’s your favorite subject in high school?
 Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?
 Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?
 Do you miss your life in high school?


Describe an incident where someone apologized to you. You should say:
– Who was it?
– When was it?
– What did the person say?
– Why was this incident memorable to you?

47 Lets talk about Lifestyle & Work

 What do you do in your free time?
 Do you have a busy social life?
 Do you lead an active life?
 Has your life changed much in the last year?
 What would you like to change about your lifestyle?
 Do you work right now?
 Do you get on well with your co-workers?
 What responsibilities do you have at your work?
 Are there good work opportunities in your home country?


 Describe an incident when you were delayed or late. Please say
– What was it?
– What did you do?
– How did you get there?

48 Family & Housework

 How many people are there in your immediate family?
 Who do you get on best within your family?
 Do you have a large extended family?
 What do you do together with your family?
 Why is family important to you?
 Do you do housework at home?
 What kind of housework do you often do?
 Did you do housework when you were a child?
 Do you think that children should do housework?

49 Lets talk about Books & TV

 Do you like watching TV?
 How often do you watch TV?
 What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
 What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
 Has the internet affected your viewing habits?
 How often do you read?
 Do you like reading books? Why?
 Do you have many books at home?/ What kinds of books do you like to read?
 Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them?
 What are the benefits of reading?


Talk about a uniform that you wore in the past. Please say
– Describe it.
– Where and when was it?
– How did you feel about wearing a uniform?

50 Home & TV

 Who do you live with?
 What is your favorite room in your home?
 How is your home decorated?
 Do you like visitors coming to your home?
 Do you like watching TV?
 What is your favorite TV show now?
 What was your favorite show when you were a child?
 Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?


 Describe a sports or work team where you participate. Please say
– What is it?
– When and why did you join it?
– Can you give a brief description of the team members?

51 Accommodation & Weather

 Do you live in a house or a flat?
 Is it a big place?
 How long have you lived there?
 What do you like about living there?
 Is there a garden in the place you live in?
 Do you prefer to hot weather or cold?
 Tell me about the weather in your country in different times of the year?
 Which time of the year did you enjoy the most when you were the child?
 Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?
 Has the weather changed much in your country in recent years?


Talk about an interesting thing that your friend has done, that influenced you and made you want to do the same. Please say
– What was it?
– When and where would you like to do it?
– Why would you like to do it?

52 Advertisements & Books

 Do you like reading books? Why?
 What book would you take on a long journey?
 How easy is it for you to read books in English?
 Have you given up reading a book recently?
 What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t like reading very much?
 Do you like watching advertisements?
 Will you buy something because of an advertisement?
 How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?
 Do you like funny or serious advertisements?
 What makes a good advertisement?


Talk about a celebrity that you know. Please say
– Who is the celebrity?
– Where do you usually see him/her?
– What does he/she do?

53 Celebrity & Computer

 Do you use computers?
 What do you use a computer to do?
 Did you use computers when you were little?
 Do people often use computers these days?
 Will people continue to use computers in the future?
 Who is your favorite celebrity?
 Do you like any foreign celebrities?
 Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?
 Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
 How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?


Describe a book that you read. Please say
– What kind of book it is
– Why you read this book
– When you read it

54 Movies & Music

 How often do you go to the cinema?
 Are cinema tickets expensive in your country?
 What are the advantages of seeing a film at the cinema?
 Do you usually watch films alone or with others?
 Which actor would you like to play you in a film?
 How do you listen to music?
 When do you listen to music?
 What’s your favorite kind of music?
 Is music an important subject at school in your country?
 What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?


Talk about a teenager that you know well. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– How did you meet him/her?
– Can you describe him/her?

55 Music & Newspaper And Magazine

 What’s your favorite kind of music?
 Do you like to listen to live music?
 Is live music popular in your country?
 Have you ever been to a concert before? Or have you ever been to a musical performance?
 Do you often read newspapers?
 Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
 Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
 Do many people today read newspapers?
 In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people?
 Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?


 Describe a city in your country that you would like to visit. Please say
– What and where is it?
– What can people do there?
– Why do you want to go there?

56 Music & Travel

 Where was the last place you visited on holiday?
 Would you like to go back there again?
 What kind of tourist destinations do you usually prefer?
 Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?
 What’s the best way to save money while traveling?
 How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
 Are your music tastes varied?
 What is your favorite song?
 Do you like to sing along to your favorite songs?
 Are you learning to play a musical instrument at the moment?


Talk about your favorite website. Please say
– What is it?
– What is it about?
– How often do you use it? Why?

57 Internet & Major

 How important is the Internet to you?
 Do you use the Internet more for work or in your free time?
 Do you think you use the Internet too much?
 How will the Internet develop in the future?
 Are there any negative things about the Internet?
 What is your major? Or what was your major?
 Did you or do you like it?
 Is it a popular subject at your university?
 If you could change to another subject, what would it be?
 Would you change it if you had the chance?


Talk about an old building in your home town that you like to visit. Please say
– What and where is it?
– Why do you like to go there?
– Describe what it looks like.

58 Outdoor activities?

 Do you like outdoor activities?
 What outdoor sports do you like?
 How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
 What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?
 How often do you use the Internet?
 Do you think you use the Internet too much?
 What are your favorite websites?
 What are the positive and negative things about the Internet?


 Describe a street that you visited to buy something. Please say:
– Where the street is
– When you visited it
– What you bought, and
– How you felt after that.

59 Transportation

 Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?
 What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
 Is it easy to catch a bus in your country?
 Is driving to work popular in your country?
 What do you think will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?


Talk about someone whom you helped with your studies.
Please say
– Who was he/she?
– Why did you help him/her?
– How did you feel after that?

60 Indoor Activities

 Do you like indoor activities?
 What indoor activities do you like?
 How much time do you spend indoors every week?
 What types of indoor activities are popular in your country?


Describe a decision that you had made with the help of another
person. Please say

– What decision was it?
– When was it and who helped you?
– How did you feel after making the decision?

61 Major & Sports

 Do you work or study?
 What is your major? Or what was your major?
 Why did you choose that major?
 What is the most difficult part of studying that subject?
 Do you plan to use the subject you are studying in the future?
 Do you play any sports?
 Do you watch sports on TV?
 What is the most popular sport in your country?
 How do people in your country stay fit?
 Is it important for children to play sports?


Talk about a sport that you really want to try in the future. Please

– Why you like it
– When you first watched it
– When you want to play it.

62 Gift & Noise

 Do you mind noises?
 What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
 Are there any sounds that you like?
 Where can you hear loud noises?
 Do you think there’s too much noise in modem society?
 Are cities becoming noisier?
 When do you send gifts?
 When was the last time you received a gift?
 Have you received a gift you didn’t like?
 How do you feel when you receive a gift?
 Do people in your country send gifts to show their generosity?


Talk about a thing that you would like to replace. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you want to replace it?
– What will you replace it with?

63 Patience & Politeness

 What do you think patience is?
 Do you think patience is important?
 Do you think you are a patient person?
 Have you ever lost your patience?
 Are you a polite person?
 Who taught you to be polite?
 Is it important to be polite?
 What do you do if others are not polite to you?


Talk about your childhood friend with whom you are still in touch today.
Please say

– Who is he/she?
– How and when did you both meet?
– Is he/she your best friend?

64 Colors & Weather

 What’s the best season of the whole year?
 What do people normally do in that season?
 What’s the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?
 How is the weather here different from the weather in your home country?
 What colours do you like?
 What’s the most popular colour in your country?
 Do you like to wear dark or bright colours?
 What’s the difference between men and women’s preference for colours?
 Do colours affect your mood?


Talk about something that you wear only for special occasions.
Please say

– What is it?
– Where and when did you buy it?
– How do you feel when you wear it?

65 Food & Weather

 Do you have a healthy diet?
 Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
 Do you like ordering food to be delivered?
 Who do you get food delivered with?
 Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?
 What sort of weather does you like the most?
 Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?
 Would you like to move to a place with the different weather?
 What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?


Talk about a complaint that you made to a company recently, and were pleased with the result. Please say
– What was the complaint?
– What did you ask them to do about it?
– Why were you pleased with the result?

66 Clothes & Photos

 What is your favourite item of clothing?
 Are there any traditional clothes in your country?
 Where do you usually purchase your clothes?
 Have you ever bought clothes online?
 Who do you usually take photos of?
 How do you keep your photos?
 Do you keep your photographs on your computer?
 Have you framed any of your photos?
 Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?


Talk about your favourite comedy actor/actress. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– What do you like about him/her?
– Is he/she the same in real life?

67 Art & Photography

 Do you like art?
 Do you think art classes are necessary?
 How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
 What kind of paintings do people in your country like?
 What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
 Do you like to take photographs?
 Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?
 How often do you take photographs?
 Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
 Are there any photos on the walls of your home?


Describe a time when you received money as a gift. Please say
– When did you receive it?
– What did you do with it?
– How did you feel about it?

68 Bags & Boat

 Have you ever taken a ride on a boat?
 Do you like traveling by boat?
 What are the advantages of travelling by boat?
 Do people in your country like to travel by boat?
 Will it get more popular in the future?
 Do you like bags?
 What types of bags do you like?
 Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?
 What types of bags do you use in your everyday life?
 What do you put in these bags?
 What sorts of bags do women like to buy?


Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet in the future. Please say
– Who is the person?
– What do you like about him/her?
– What is the interesting thing about that person?

69 Money and Shopping

  • Is it a good idea to save money? Why (not)?
  • Do you think that people are happier if they have money? Why (not)?
  • What can shops do to make shopping more pleasant for their customers?
  • Do you think that in the future people will do most of their shopping using the Internet? Why?/ Why not?


 Talk about an exercise or a trick that helps you concentrate at home or at work. Please say
– What do you do?
– When and where do you do it?
– Why is it important for you to concentrate?

70 Family or friends

  • Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?
  • What conflicts can arise between a person’s family and a person’s friends?
  • What responsibilities do parents have towards their children?
  • What responsibilities do children have towards their parents?


Talk about a language that you would like to learn apart from English. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you want to learn it?
– What benefits will you have from learning it?

71 Conserving the countryside

  • Why is it important to protect the countryside?
  • In what ways is the countryside in danger in your country?
  • Why are historic buildings and monuments important to a city?
  • Is it better to keep old buildings, or build new modern ones?


 Talk about a popular place in your country and say
– What and where is this place?
– What can people do or see there?
– Why is it popular?

72 Shopping in general

  • What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?
  • How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?
  • Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits? Why is this?


Talk about a comic actor/actress who is popular in your country. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– Why is he/she popular?
– How did you know about him/her?

73 Social Networking

  • What social networking sites do you use?
  • What are some good points about social networking?
  • What are some bad points about social networking?
  • Do you have a Facebook page?
  • Do you use Twitter?
  • What information do you have on your webpage?
  • What kind of information are you comfortable releasing to the public?
  • Do your parents use social networking sites?
  • What type of information should you put on social networking sites?


Talk about an event you have celebrated recently. Please say
– What was the event?
– Who was there with you?
– How did you feel about it later?

74 Teachers

Can you think of a good teacher you had?

           What made that teacher good?

  • What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?
  • What are some traits of teachers?
  • What different kind of teachers can you name?
  • How are you a teacher to someone else?
  • What is the retirement age for teachers in your country?
  • Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
  • What are the salaries for teachers in your country?
  • Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?
  • If you were going to be a teacher, where would you like to teach?
  • Young people spend a lot of their “formative years” with teachers. On the whole, is this time well-spent?
  • What kind of formal training do teachers need in your country?
  • Do you think the training is sufficient?
  • If you could, how would you change this training


Describe a job you would be interested to do. Please say
– What job is it?
– What skills do you need for this job?
– What makes it interesting?

75 Teenagers

  • As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?
  • At what age should teenagers leave home?
  • What type of punishment did your parents use when you were a teenager?
  • Do you think teenagers today have it “too easy’?
  • Did you have a good relationship with your parents? Why or why not?
  • What do you think are some important things parents can do for teenagers?
  • Do you think teenagers today show respect for adults? Teachers? Parents? Brothers and sisters?
  • What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair blue, green, or another crazy colour?
  • Do you think that wearing uniforms to school is a good idea?
  • At what age did you leave home?
  • What would you do if your teenage son or daughter got a tattoo?
  • What would you do if your teenage son or daughter shaved his or her head?
  • How do you feel about swearing?


Tell a story that you know well. Please say
– Who told you this story?
– What is the story about?
– Why do you still remember it?

76 Driving or Ridding

  • At what age does the average person obtain a driver’s license?
  • Can you ride a motorcycle?
  • Do you drive a car often?
  • Have you ever gotten a parking ticket?
  • Are there speed limits in your country? If so, what is the average speed limit?
  • Do you have a bicycle?
    • If so, when did you get it?
    • How much did it cost?
    • How often do you ride it?
    • What color is it?
  • How many times have you traveled by airplane?
  • How much does gasoline cost is your country?
  • Is parking a problem in your country? (shopping malls, etc)
  • Is there any environmentally-friendly transportation in your area?
  • What are the most annoying bad driving habits of other drivers in your country (/or this country /or compared to this country)?
  • What do you have to do to get a driver’s license in your country? Do you think it’s a good test?
  • What do you need to do in your country to get a driver’s license?
  • What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?
  • What do you think is the safest form of transportation? Why?


Talk about an animal that you like. Please say
– What is it?
– When and where did you see it for the first time?
– Why do you like it?

77 Unemployment

  • Is unemployment a great problem where you live now?
    • Do you know people who have lost their jobs recently?
    • What do you think the role of the government is in regulating the unemployment situation in this country?
    • How should the government help people who have lost their jobs?
    • Describe an employe whom the employer will never fire.
    • When is the best time for a person to start looking for a job?
    • Is it better to start job hunting while you are still studying and try to combine your studies with work?
    • Can you share your experiences.
    • Can you remember what was your very first job? Can you tell us about it?
    • Do you think that at universities students get enough knowledge and practice to have no difficulties when starting to work for some company.
    • What should young people do to have enough qualification after graduation?
    • What are the most efficient ways to look for a job?
    • Friends?
    • The Internet?
    • Newspapers?


Talk about a small successful company you know, you should say
– How do you know about this company?
– How long do you know them?
– Why do you think they are successful?

78 Seasons

  • What’s your favourite season and why?
  • Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country?
  • Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?
  • What crops are produced in which seasons in your country?
  • Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so, why do you think this is?
  • Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?
  • Do you know any interesting myths or stories about weather?
  • Do you like snow?
  • Which do you like better hot weather or cold weather?
  • Do you have snow in your country?
    • Do you have hail?
    • Do you have frozen rain?
    • Do you have typhoons?
  • What month gets the most rain in your country?
    • What month gets the most rain around here?


Talk about a goal you have achieved in your life. Please say
– What was the goal?
– When did you set it?
– How was it achieved?
– How did you feel about it later

79 Days of the Week

  • What day is it today?
  • Can you spell the days of the week?
  • What day was it yesterday?
  • What day is tomorrow?
  • What day is the day after tomorrow?
  • What day was it yesterday?
  • What day was the day before yesterday?
  • Which days of the week do you have an English class?
  • What is your last working day of the week?
  • What is your first working day of the week?
  • On which day do you start work again?
  • What day of the week is the hardest for you to spell?
  • What days of the week are the weekend?
  • What is the date today?
  • What was the date yesterday?
  • What will the date be tomorrow?


. Describe a tradition in your country
– What it is
– Who takes part in it
– What activities there are
– And explain how you feel about it

80 World Peace

  • What are the first steps to world peace?
  • Is it important to think about peace?
  • How peaceful are you?
  • What is the most peaceful place you know of?
  • What would it take for the world to be more peaceful?
  • Would people need to change how they think, for the world to be peaceful?
  • Who is the most peaceful person you know?
  • What do you do to feel more calm, tranquil?
  • Is some music peaceful?
  • Is there any man made objects that you think are peaceful?
  • When you think of peace, what image do you think of?
  • Do you think that most people think about peace regularly?


Describe an old friend you got in contact with again
– Who he or she is
– What he or she is like
– How you got in contact
– And explain how you felt about it

81 wishes

  • What are three wishes you have for your life?
    • If you could choose only one of these to come true, which would it be and why?
    • What would be some positive and negative consequences (results) if each of these wishes came true?
    • What other wishes do you have for yourself?
    • What wishes do your parents have for you?
    • Are they the same?
    • What wishes do you have for your country?
    • How have your wishes changed since you were young?
    • When you were young, how did you answer this questions: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
    • Have you ever had a wish come true?
    • If you have a wish but your family doesn’t agree with you, what should you do?


Describe an energetic person that you know
– Who this person is
– How you know this person
– Why you think this person is energetic
– And explain how you feel about this person

82 Terror

  • Why do people use terror?
  • What terror actions do you remember?
  • What should be done to prevent terror?
  • Are you afraid of traveling because of terror?
  • Why is terror used more in some countries than others?
  • Do you know of any forms of terror other than bombs?
  • Have you been a victim of terror?
  • Do you think terror is justified?
  • How has airline travel been affected by terrorism?
  • What do you think of airport security?
  • Have you ever been patted down?
  • Have you ever had a body scan


Describe a time you saw children behave badly in public
– Where it was
– What the children were doing
– How others reacted to it
– And explain how you felt about it

  1. Describe a conversation topic you were not interested in
    – Who you talked with
    – When you had the conversation
    – What the topic was
    – And explain why you were not interested
  2. Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally
    – What it is
    – Who do you do it with
    – Why is it expensive
    – And explain how you feel about it
  3. Describe an area of science that interests you
    – What it is
    – How you learned about it
    – Why are you interested in it
  4. Describe a prize that you received
    – What it was
    – When you received it
    – What did you do for it
    – And explain how you felt about it
  5. Describe a time when you first talked in a foreign language
    – Where were you
    – Who you were with
    – What did you talk about
    – And explain how you felt about it
  6. Describe a good decision you made recently
    – What it was
    – When you made it
    – What the result was
    – And explain how you felt about it
  7. Describe an event you attended in which you didn’t like the music played
    – What the event was
    – Where you were
    – What the music was like
    – And explain why you didn’t like the music.
  8. Describe an ambition that you have for long time
    – What it is
    – What you did for it
    – When can you achieve it
    – And explain why you have this ambition
  9. Describe a time when you changed your opinion
    – When it was
    – What the original opinion was
    – Why you changed it
    – And explain how you felt about it.
  10. Describe an intelligent person you know
    – Who is the person?
    – What does he do?
    – Why do you think he is smart?
    – How do you feel about him?
  11. Describe a photo of yourself that you like (or you have taken)
    – When it was taken?
    – Where it was taken?
    – Who took it? or How you took it?
    – Explain how you felt about the photo
  12. Describe a person who helps others in his or her spare time
    – Who this person is?
    – How often this person helps others?
    – How this person helps others?
    – Why this person helps others?
    – How you feel about this person?
  13. Talk about a prize you want to win
    – What prize it is?
    – How do you know about it?
    – What will you do to win it?
    – Why do you want to win?
  14. Describe a book you read that you found useful or Describe an exciting book you read
    – When you read it
    – What type of book is it
    – What is it about
    – Why did you find it useful
  15. Describe a time when you received good news
    – What was it about
    – Who told you the news
    – When you knew it
    – How you felt about it
    – Why do you think it was good
  16. Describe a film/movie that made you laugh
    – What is the name of this movie?
    – when did you watch it?
    – Who you watched it with
    – why it made you laugh?
  17. Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.
    – Where you were
    – When it was
    – What you did
    – And explain why you think it was a waste of time
  18. Describe something or someone that made a lot
    of noise.
    – Who or what made the noise?
    – What was the noise like?
    – What did you do when you heard the noise?
    – And how you feel about it?
  19. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future or Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time
    – What is it
    – Where you will do it
    – Whether it is easy or difficult
    – Why would you like to try it
  20. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.
    – Where it was
    – Who you met?
    – When was it?
    – Why were you surprised?
  21. Describe an old person you know and respect
    – Who he or she is
    – How you know this person
    – What he or she is like
    – And explain why you respect him or her
  22. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.
    – What it was?
    – Why you took it?
    – What the result was?
    – How you felt about it?
  23. Describe a mistake you have made
    – What it is?
    – When you made it?
    – How you made it?
    – How you felt about it?
  24. Describe a volunteering experience you have had
    – What it was
    – Where it was
    – Why you volunteered
    – How you felt about it
  25. Describe a program or app in your computer or phone
    – What the app/program is
    – When, where you found it
    – How you use it
    – and how you feel about it
  26. Describe a long car journey you went on
    – Where you went
    – What you did at that place
    – Who you went there with
    – Explain why you went on that journey by car
  27. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
    – Where is it
    – When you visited this place
    – What kind of pollution you saw there
    – And explain how this place was affected
  28. Describe a friend/person who is a good leader
    – Who this person is
    – How you know this person
    – What he does
    – How this person behaves
    – Why do you think he is a good leader
  29. Describe a dinner you really enjoyed
    – When it was
    – What you ate
    – Who you were with
    – And explain why you enjoyed it
  30. Describe a large company that you are interested in
    – Which company is it
    – What it is like (what kind of business it does)
    – How you know about it
    – How you feel about it
    – Why you have interest in this company
  31. Describe a person in your family that you admire or a person in your family you are happy to know
    – Who he or she is
    – What he or she does for a living
    – What he or she is like
    – And explain why you admire him or her
  32. Describe a time when a family member asked for your help
    – When it was
    – Who asked you for help
    – How you helped
    – How you felt about it
  33. Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about
    – When did it happen
    – Who was with you
    – What did you do
    – How you felt about it
  34. Describe a foreign country(culture) you want to know more about?
    – Which country it is or what culture
    – Where it is
    – How you know about it
    – Why you want to know more about it
  35. Describe a place where you are able to relax
    – Where it is
    – What it is like
    – How often you go there
    – and how you feel about this place
  36. Talk about something you enjoyed doing in a group
    – What it was
    – With whom you did it
    – When you did it
    – How you felt about it
  37. Describe a film you watched or Describe a film
    that made you think a lot
    – When and where you watched it?
    – What was the movie about?
    – Why you chose to watch it?
    – How you felt about it? and explain why it made you think a lot?
  38. Talk about a new public building/place, which you would like to visit
    – Which building/place is it
    – Where is it
    – When would you like to visit it
    – With whom would you like to visit
    – Why do you want to visit it
  39. Describe your favorite clothes Or Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes
    – What is it like
    – Who gave it to you or where you bought it
    – How often you wear it
    – Explain how you feel about it or why you enjoy wearing it?
  40. Describe one of your family members you spend the most time with
    – Who is he/she?
    – What do you usually do together?
    – What kind of person he/she is?
    – Why you spend most of the time with him/her?
  41. Describe an important journey that was delayed.
    – Why was it important
    – What caused the delay
    – What happened at the end
    – Describe what caused the delay
  42. Describe an experience you had as a member of a team
    – What it was?
    – Who were the members of the team?
    – What role did you play in this team?
    – And explain how you achieved your goal?
  43. Describe a goal that you achieved, which was set by yourself
    Or describe a time when you set a goal and tried your best to achieve it
    – What it was
    – When did you set it
    – How did you achieve it
    – Explain how it influenced your life
  44. Describe a person who has apologized to you
    – Who this person is?
    – When this happened?
    – What this person said for apologizing?
    – Explain how you felt about the apology?
  45. Describe an interesting animal
    – What it looks like
    – When you saw it
    – Where you saw it
    – Explain why it is interesting
  46. Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online
    – What the article was
    – When and where you read it
    – What you learned from the article
    – Explain why you think it is a good or bad article
  47. Describe a person in the news that you want to meet
    – Who he or she is?
    – What did this person show up on TV for?
    – How do you know what this person?
    – Why you want to meet him?
  48. Describe one time when the weather changed your plan
    – When this happened
    – Where you were
    – What kind of weather it was
    – Explain why you couldn’t finish the thing
    – What you did at the end
  49. Describe a situation you were not allowed to use your cell phone
    – Where was it
    – When was it
    – Why you were not allowed
    – What did you want to do with your cell phone
  50. Describe an important piece of news that you received via text message
    – who shared the message with you?
    – what the news was about?
    – how was it written?
    – and explain why the news was important?
  51. Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first
    – What is it?
    – When you bought it?
    – What does it do?
    – Explain how difficult was it to be used?
  52. Describe a successful small business that you know
    – What is the business is?
    – Where it is?
    – Who runs the business/how do you know about this business?
    – And explain why you think it is successful?
  53. A person who taught you something important
    – Who the person is?
    – What he/she is like?
    – What he/she taught you?
    – How you felt about him/her?
  54. Describe a difficult challenge that you completed/met
    – What was the challenge?
    – When and where did you complete/met it?
    – Why was it difficult?
    – How you felt about it?
  55. Describe a crowded place you have visited
    – Where is it
    – When you went there
    – With whom you went there
    – And explain how you felt about being there?
  56. Job you would not like to do in the future
    – What is the job
    – Why you don’t want to do it?
    – How you feel about the job?
  57. Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company)
    – When you wear it?
    – Who bought it for you?
    – What does it look like?
    – How you feel about it?
  58. Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone
    – What the situation was?
    – Who the person was?
    – How you helped them?
    – Explain how your felt after helping them?
  59. Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child.
    – What is it
    – With whom did you play
    – How often you played it
    – How did you feel about it
  60. A performance you recently watched
    – What it was?
    – When you watched it?
    – Who you were with?
    – Why you watched it and how you felt about it?
  61. Describe a change that can improve your local area
    – What it is?
    – How it can be done?
    – What problem it will solve?
    – How you feel about it
  62. Describe a time when you were excited
    – Where you were?
    – When it was?
    – Who you were with?
    – explain why were you excited?
  63. Describe a time when you travelled by public transportation?
    – When you travelled?
    – Where you travelled?
    – What was the purpose of your travel?
    – How you felt about it?
  64. Describe a practical skill you learned or a skill you leaned that you think is important
    – What this skill was
    – When you learned it
    – How you learned it
    – And explain why you think it was important
    – How you felt about it?
  65. Describe a new skill you want to learn.
    – What it is
    – How would you learn it
    – Where you can learn it
    – and explain why you want to learn it.