Basic English things

Vowel & Consonants

  •  A, E, I, O, U are called Vowels.
  • Except vowel (A, E, I, O, U) all Alphabets are called consonants.


There are 3 articles in English

  1. A
  2. An
  3. The

3. The

  1.  Use the with: united countries, large regions, deserts, peninsulas, oceans, seas, gulfs, canals, rivers, mountain ranges, groups of islands
  2. the Gobi Desert
    the United Arab Emirates
    the Sacramento River
    the Aleutians
  3. ◊ Do not use the with: streets, parks, cities, states, counties, most countries, continents, bays, single lakes, single mountains, islands Example: Japan, Chico, Mt. Everest, San Francisco Bay

4. Use the to refer to something which has already been mentioned

5. Use the when you assume there is just one of something in that place, even if it has not been mentioned before.

6. Use the in sentences or clauses where you define or identify a particular person or object.

7. Use the to refer to people or objects that are unique.

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